Why a Gig Economy Job Might Benefit Your Mental Health

According to statistics, 4.4 million people in England and Wales used gig platforms at least once a week. This statistic reveals just how ubiquitous the gig economy is, and many of its participants will confirm that it can offer lucrative financial returns. You might be surprised to learn that these jobs aren’t just good for income, though — they may also be beneficial to workers’ mental health. This is especially true for individuals who deal with ailments such as depression and anxiety. Find out why your next gig economy job may help your mental well-being.
Gig Economy Jobs Can Minimize Stress
One of the best benefits gig economy work can offer is a substantial reduction in stress compared to a traditional job. If you have social anxiety, for example, interacting with colleagues and bosses for hours on end can be positively nerve-wracking. These tasks will quickly take a toll on anybody who struggles with mental health stability, but a gig economy job can eliminate such unwanted workplace interactions.
In addition to the freedom from stressful interactions, the gig economy can give you a greater degree of flexibility in how you make money. Rather than being constrained to a nine-to-five, you can adapt your work schedule based on your mental health needs. If you happen to have a rough mental health day, you can take the day off. Similarly, if you have a therapy appointment to go to, you don’t have to request time off from your boss.
Gig economy jobs may also reduce stress by eliminating the commute that many traditional jobs entail. Research confirms that commutes cause stress, and eliminating this stress can have a positive impact on your mental health. With no commute to worry about, you can focus on earning money and caring for your mental health.
How to Find the Right Gig Economy Job
Gig economy jobs may be beneficial, but they aren’t all created equal. Some are certainly better than others when it comes to mental health benefits. If you find that social interaction lifts your mood, for example, working as a rideshare driver may be a great fit. Conversely, if you thrive working alone, working as a food or grocery deliverer can fit your needs.
You should look for gig economy work, then, that’s aligned with your unique mental health challenges. You can find gig jobs by looking online, searching locally in your area, or looking for job platform apps on your mobile device. Most gig employers offer a simple sign-up process that you can complete in a few minutes.
Some gig jobs may be more competitive, though, and require additional steps in the application process. For these jobs, you’ll want to ensure that you’re a competitive candidate, and there are several ways you can do so. The easiest way is to spruce up your resume and craft a document that accurately reflects your skills. This will make you a more marketable applicant.
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Keep Your Home Workspace Calm and Stress-Free
For many people who work from home, it can be difficult to create a space that is both productive and calming. After all, the line between work and home life can quickly become blurred, leading to increased stress levels. One of the best ways to combat this is to make sure that your home is an oasis of calm. This means setting up dedicated work areas and decluttering regularly. Creating a space that is both visually and mentally serene will help you to feel more relaxed, reducing stress levels and increasing productivity. In addition, taking regular breaks throughout the day will also help to refresh your mind and body, ensuring that you stay energized and focused. By making some simple changes, you can transform your home into a haven of peace and productivity..
Find Work That Meets Your Mental Health Needs
Your job should never come before your mental health needs. For many people, though, this is the reality they live with every day. If you want to break away and find a better way to work, the gig economy might be the best solution. Just remember to find a side gig that suits your skills and remember to keep your home stress free and positive. With a little effort, you can make the gig economy work for you.
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