Remote Jobs

5 Non-Technical Remote Job Opportunities for Digital Nomads You Never Heard About

remote jobs nomads

When you think of digital nomads, the typical image often centers on tech-savvy individuals coding from picturesque locations. However, there are numerous opportunities that don’t require technical skills like programming. You can absolutely travel and work remotely without delving into coding intricacies.

Non-tech digital nomad roles are plentiful and may even outnumber technical ones. If you’re interested in exploring this path, there’s a wide array of options available. Whether you’re drawn to creative fields, remote internships, digital marketing, or other roles, there’s a diverse range of opportunities awaiting discovery. Let’s explore some of the best non-technical digital nomad jobs to help you get started.

What is a Digital Nomad Job?

Simply put, a digital nomad job is a remote position where all you need is a Wi-Fi connection and your computer to work and earn money. These jobs can range from freelance gigs to entrepreneurial ventures, or even remote positions within companies.

Many digital nomads diversify their income with multiple streams, including side hustles and various remote jobs alongside their primary source of income.

While you don’t need advanced technical skills, being computer-savvy is essential. For instance, understanding tools like VPNs and how to use them to protect your information is crucial.

Non-Technical Digital Nomad Jobs You Can Do Anywhere

Now that we’ve defined what a digital nomad job entails and confirmed the existence of non-technical opportunities, let’s explore some of the top jobs you can pursue from anywhere in the world.

Virtual Assistant

Gone are the days of sitting at a desk outside your boss’s office, scheduling appointments, and taking phone calls. Now, as a virtual assistant, you can perform nearly all these tasks remotely, minus the printing and copying.

The role of a virtual assistant is diverse and depends on the needs of the individual or business you support. You might find yourself creating presentations one day, scheduling appointments the next, and managing light social media tasks on another.

If you’re considering a career as a virtual assistant, it’s beneficial to seek opportunities in fields that interest you. For instance, if fashion and jewelry appeal to you, you could assist a designer or e-commerce manager.

While some familiarity with tools like CRM software, social media scheduling, and Excel is helpful, these are straightforward skills to pick up and can greatly enhance your capabilities.

Navigating the Blogosphere: Crafting Your Path to Digital Nomad Success

A blogger is someone who writes, edits, and oversees a blog, sharing their insights and expertise on diverse subjects tailored to a specific audience and niche.

Managing a blog requires skills in using platforms like WordPress or Joomla, as well as proficiency in creative writing, editing, and social media networking.

Blogging has emerged as a supplementary income stream for many, whether as a solo entrepreneur or as a hired writer. Success hinges on identifying a niche that aligns with one’s interests.

For aspiring bloggers, focusing on specialized rather than broad topics is advised. This approach allows them to establish themselves as authorities in fields such as arts, home design, hobbies, or finance.

Bloggers enjoy flexibility and mobility, making it an attractive option for digital nomads looking to work remotely without technical constraints.

Data Entry: A Simple Yet Valuable Path to Digital Nomadism

Data entry clerking represents an excellent entry point into the digital nomad lifestyle for beginners. Beyond spreadsheet proficiency and attention to detail, it requires minimal specialized skills. Moreover, virtually every industry necessitates data entry, making job opportunities abundant.

Securing such roles is relatively straightforward, typically requiring no prior experience. Whether you seek quick earnings while acquiring skills for more complex remote roles or simply enjoy data input tasks, this role could be an ideal fit for you.

Managing Finances and Taxes as a Digital Nomad

Accountants, also known as bookkeepers, play a vital role in helping individuals and businesses track finances and meet tax obligations. There are various paths within accounting, allowing professionals to tailor their careers to their interests and skills.

For digital nomads, many accountants work independently, catering to diverse client needs. Some clients may seek tax assistance seasonally, while others require ongoing financial guidance.

Becoming an accountant typically involves obtaining a degree and passing the CPA exam. While technical computer skills aren’t a must-have, understanding tax laws and being proficient in tools like Excel are crucial for success in this field.

Embracing Multilingualism

Becoming a translator is a compelling option for those who are proficient in multiple languages. Translators handle a wide array of written content, from official documents to books and brochures, and occasionally work with audio translations.

If you haven’t yet acquired a second language, it’s never too late to start learning. Achieving conversational fluency and proficiency may take time, but it’s an achievable goal toward starting a career in translation.

Many digital nomads thrive as freelance translators, marketing their skills and attracting clients seeking translation services. Some even collaborate with embassies to provide specialized translation services in their languages of expertise.


In summary, exploring remote job options that don’t require technical skills can open up exciting paths for digital nomads looking for flexible and varied career paths. Roles such as data entry and freelance translation offer accessible ways to enter the remote work arena. Additionally, trends like remote internships provide opportunities for honing skills and advancing in the global digital economy. 

Whether you’re just starting out or have experience as a digital nomad, these less commonly discussed opportunities offer fertile ground for building a rewarding and sustainable remote career.


About Andrew Williams

Andrew Williams is the Founder of Remote Tribelife, an online magazine for digital nomads and remote working. Andrew has an extensive background in SEO and content marketing. His experience with digital marketing goes back to his early age in University when he founded a blog about startups and funding. He does his best writing in the coffee shops in Bali or in the condos of busy cities like Bangkok and Singapore. He is currently based in Singapore. You can connect with Andrew on his Linkedin profile and/or follow Remote Tribelife on Instagram.

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